Publication Types:

Quantitative analysis of tidal eddies affecting transport of spilled oil at a bay entrance

.ConferenceEstuariesHazards/RisksOil Spills
Dongyu Feng, Ben R. Hodges
Feng, D., and B.R. Hodges (2019), “Quantitative analysis of tidal eddies affecting transport of spilled oil at a bay entrance,” Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Feb. 4-7, 2019.
Publication year: 2019

Innovative approaches for geometric uncertainty quantification in an operational oil spill modeling system

.Journal ArticleEstuariesHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Dongyu Feng, Paola Passalacqua, Ben R. Hodges
Feng, D., P. Passalacqua, and B.R. Hodges (2019), “Innovative approaches for geometric uncertainty quantification in an operational oil spill modeling system,” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7:259:1-23. Aug., 2019.
Publication year: 2019

Comparing thixotropic and Herschel-Bulkley parameterizations for continuum models of avalanches and debris flows

.Journal ArticleFluid MechanicsHazards/RisksNumerical Methods
Chan-Hoo Jeon, Ben R. Hodges
Jeon, C.H., and B.R. Hodges (2018), “Comparing thixotropic and Herschel-Bulkley parameterizations for continuum models of avalanches and debris flows,” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18:303-319, 2018.
Publication year: 2018

Uncertainty quantification and reliability assessment in operational oil spill forecast modeling system

.Journal ArticleEstuariesHazards/RisksOil Spills
Xianlong Hou, Ben R. Hodges, Dongyu Feng, Qixiao Liu
Hou, X., B.R. Hodges, D. Feng and Q. Liu (2017), “Uncertainty quantification and reliability assessment in operational oil spill forecast modeling system,” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116:420-433, 2017.
Publication year: 2017

Shelter construction for fish at the confluence of a river to avoid the effects of total dissolved gas supersaturation

.Journal ArticleDissolved GasHazards/RisksRiversWater Quality
Xia Shen, Ran Li, Juping Huang, Jingie Feng, Ben R. Hodges, Kefeng Li, Weilin Xu
Shen, X., R. Li, J. Huang, J. Feng, B.R. Hodges, K. Li, and W. Xu (2016), “Shelter construction for fish at the confluence of a river to avoid the effects of total dissolved gas supersaturation,” Ecological Engineering, 97:642-648, 2016.
Publication year: 2016

Real-Time Flood Inundation Mapping for Travis County, Texas

.ConferenceGeospatial AnalysisHazards/RisksHydrologyStorm Water/Flooding
X. Zheng, C.W. Yu, C. Fagan, H. Evans, D. Maidment, P. Passalacqua, B.R. Hodges; “Real-Time Flood Inundation Mapping for Travis County, Texas.” American Water Resources Association, 2016 Summer Specialty Conference, GIS and Water Resources IX, Sacramento, California, July 11-16, 2016.
Publication year: 2016

Uncertainty modeling and reliability assessment for operational oil spill forecast

.ConferenceHazards/RisksOil Spills
X. Hou and B.R. Hodges, “Uncertainty modeling and reliability assessment for operational oil spill forecast.” Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Houston, Texas, February 16-19, 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Quantitative risk analysis in numerical oil spill modeling system in offshore bays and estuaries

.Supervised ThesisEstuariesHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Xianlong Hou
X. Hou, Quantitative risk analysis in numerical oil spill modeling system in offshore bays and estuaries, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 153 pgs., Dec. 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Predicting outflow induced by dam moraine failure in glacial lakes: the Lake Palcacocha case from an uncertainty perspective

.Journal ArticleHazards/RisksHydrologyLakesRivers
Denny S. Rivas, Marcelo A. Somos-Valenzuela, Daene C. McKinney, Ben R. Hodges
Rivas, D.S., M.A. Somos-Valenzuela, D.C. McKinney, and B.R. Hodges (2015), “Predicting outflow induced by dam moraine failure in glacial lakes: the Lake Palcacocha case from an uncertainty perspective,” Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science, 15:6:1163-1179. June 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Operational oil spill modeling: from science to engineering applications in the presence of uncertainty

.Book ChapterHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Ben R. Hodges, Alejandro Orfila, Juan M. Sayol, Xianlong Hou
B.R. Hodges, A. Orfila, J.M. Sayol, and X. Hou, “Operational oil spill modeling: from science to engineering applications in the presence of uncertainty.” In M. Ehrhardt (Editor), Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Oil Pollution Problems, The Reacting Atmosphere, Vol. 2, Springer International, Switzerland, 2015, pp. 99-126.
Publication year: 2015

Modeling of thixotropic debris flows

.ConferenceFluid MechanicsHazards/RisksNumerical Methods
C.-H. Jeon, and B.R. Hodges, “Modeling of thixotropic debris flows” World Environmental & Water Resources Conference, Austin, Texas, May 17-21, 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Modeling of debris flows and induced phenomena with non-Newtonian fluid models

.Supervised ThesisFluid MechanicsHazards/RisksNumerical Methods
Chan-Hoo Jeon
C.-H. Jeon, Modeling of debris flows and induced phenomena with non-Newtonian fluid models, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 204 pgs., Dec. 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Far-field considerations for desalination brine discharge

.ConferenceDesalination BrineEstuariesFluid MechanicsHazards/Risks
B.R. Hodges, “Far-field considerations for desalination brine discharge.” World Environmental & Water Resources Conference, Austin, Texas, May 17-21, 2015.
Publication year: 2015

A real-time forecast system for oil spill response in bays and estuaries

.ConferenceEstuariesHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
X. Hou, D. Feng, and B.R. Hodges, “A real-time forecast system for oil spill response in bays and estuaries” World Environmental & Water Resources Conference, Austin, Texas, May 17-21, 2015.
Publication year: 2015

A multi-model Python wrapper for operational oil spill transport forecast

.Journal ArticleEstuariesHazards/RisksOil Spills
Xianlong Hou, Ben R. Hodges, Solomon Negusse, Chris Barker
X. Hou, B.R. Hodges, S. Negusse and C. Barker, “A multi-model Python wrapper for operational oil spill transport forecasts,” Computational Science & Discovery, 8 0140004, 18 pgs. 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Visualizing hydrodynamic uncertainty in operational oil spill modeling

.ConferenceHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
X. Hou, and B.R. Hodges, “Visualizing hydrodynamic uncertainty in operational oil spill modeling.” International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC 2014) Proceedings, Vol. 2014, No. 1, pp. 299013, Savannah, GA, May 5-8, 2014.
Publication year: 2014

Integrating Google Maps/Earth in an automated oil spill forecast system

.Journal ArticleEstuariesGeospatial AnalysisHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Xianlong Hou, Ben R. Hodges
Hou, X., and B.R. Hodges (2014), “Integrating Google Maps/Earth in an automated oil spill forecast system,” Marine Technology Society Journal, 48(4):79-85, Jul. 2014.
Publication year: 2014

Integrating GNOME and hydrodynamic modeling for bay and estuary oil spill prediction

.ConferenceEstuariesHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
X. Hou, B.R. Hodges, S. Negusse, and D. Crockett, “Integrating GNOME and hydrodynamic modeling for bay and estuary oil spill prediction,” Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile Alabama, January 26-29, 2014.
Publication year: 2014

Uncertainty estimation in operational oil spill modeling for bays and estuaries

.ConferenceEstuariesHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
B.R. Hodges, and X. Hou, “Uncertainty estimation in operational oil spill modeling for bays and estuaries.” Poster presented at the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Jan. 21-23, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Publication year: 2013

Rivers, water piping, and storm sewers: networks with uncertain forcing and evolving conditions

.ConferenceHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsRiversStorm Water/Flooding
B.R. Hodges, “Rivers, water piping, and storm sewers: networks with uncertain forcing and evolving conditions,” Design Automation Conference 2013, in Workshop 1: They Are All Networks! Analysis and Optimization for Electronics, Water, Electricity, Bio. Austin, Texas, June 2, 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Oil spill modeling and uncertainty forecasts with Python

.ConferenceHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
X. Hou and B.R. Hodges, “Oil spill modeling and uncertainty forecasts with Python,” Scientific Computing with Python (SciPy 2013), Austin, Texas, June 24-29, 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Hydrodynamic uncertainty in oil spill modeling

.ReportHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Xianlong Hou, Ben R. Hodges
X. Hou and B.R. Hodges, Hydrodynamic uncertainty in oil spill modeling, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 13-05, 48 pgs., September 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Evaluating hydrodynamic uncertainty in oil spill modeling

.Supervised ThesisEstuariesHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Xianlong Hou
X. Hou, Evaluating hydrodynamic uncertainty in oil spill modeling, M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 68 pgs., May 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Delta Waters: Research to Support Integrated Water and Environmental Management in the Lower Mississippi River

.BookEstuariesHazards/RisksHydrologyRiversStorm Water/FloodingWater Quality
James L. Wescoat Jr., Ximing Cai, G. Mathias Kondolf, Ben R. Hodges, Samantha B. Joye, William M. Lewis, Leonard A Shabman, Eelco Van Beek
J.L. Wescoat, X. Cai, G.M. Kondolf, B.R. Hodges, S.B. Joye, W.M. Lewis, L.A. Shabman, E. van Beek, Delta Waters: Research to Support Integrated Water and Environmental Management in the Lower Mississippi River, National Academies Press, 140 pgs. 2013. ISBN 978-0-309-29216-0
Publication year: 2013

Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Final Report

.BookEstuariesHazards/RisksHydrologyRiversWater Quality
Patrick L. Brezonik, M. Siobhan Fennessy, Ben R. Hodges, James R. Karr, Mark S. Peterson, James L. Pinckney, Jorge I. Restrepo, Roland C. Steiner, J.Court Stevenson
P.L. Brezonik, M.S. Fennessy, B.R. Hodges, J.R. Karr, M.S. Peterson, J. L. Pinckney, J.I. Restrepo, R.C. Steiner, J.C. Stevenson, Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Final Report, National Academies Press, 160 pgs., 2011. ISBN 978-0-309-22567-0
Publication year: 2011

Integrating hydrodynamic and oil spill trajectory models for nowcasts/forecasts of Texas bays

.ConferenceEstuariesHazards/RisksOil Spills
I. Rosenzweig and B.R. Hodges, “Integrating hydrodynamic and oil spill trajectory models for nowcasts/forecasts of Texas bays.” International Oil Spill Conference, Portland, Oregon, May 23-26, 2011.
Publication year: 2011

Integrating hydrodynamic and oil spill trajectory models for nowcasts/forecasts of Texas bays

.ConferenceEstuariesHazards/RisksOil Spills
I. Rosenzweig and B.R. Hodges, “Integrating hydrodynamic and oil spill trajectory models for nowcasts/forecasts of Texas bays.” Poster session presented at Gordon Research Conference - Coastal Ocean Modeling; June 26 - July 1, 2011; Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts.
Publication year: 2011

A real-time web services hub to improve situation awareness during flash flood events

.ConferenceHazards/RisksStorm Water/Flooding
Fernando R. Salas, David R. Maidment, Ben R. Hodges
Salas, F.R., F. Liu, D.R. Maidment, and B.R. Hodges (2011), “A real-time web services hub to improve situation awareness during flash flood events,” American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstract H31J-04, San Francisco, California, USA, Dec., 5-9, 2011.
Publication year: 2011

The Importance of Mixing and Isolation Time for Desalination Brine Discharge

.ConferenceDesalination BrineDissolved GasEstuariesHazards/Risks
B.R. Hodges, “The Importance of Mixing and Isolation Time for Desalination Brine Discharge,” Proceedings of the International Engineering Conference on Hot Arid Regions (IECHAR 2010), Al-Ahsa Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 1-2, 2010, pp. 235-240.
Publication year: 2010

Integrating hydrodynamic and oil spill trajectory models for nowcasts/forecasts of Texas bays

.ConferenceEstuariesHazards/RisksOil Spills
I. Rosenzweig and B.R. Hodges, “Integrating hydrodynamic and oil spill trajectory models for nowcasts/forecasts of Texas bays.” 2010 Biennial Gulf Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Port Aransas, Texas, Nov. 3-4. 2010.
Publication year: 2010