Publication Types:

Building the Trinity River Delta Hydrodynamic Model

.ReportEstuariesGeospatial AnalysisNumerical Methods
Zhi Li, Ben R. Hodges, Paola Passalacqua
Li, Z., B.R. Hodges, P. Passalacqua (2020), Building the Trinity River Delta Hydrodynamic Model, Technical Report, Center for Water and the Environment, University of Texas at Austin, Texas Data Repository Dataverse, V1, Jun. 2020,
Publication year: 2020

Algorithms in the SvePy solver for the unsteady Saint-Venant equations

.ReportNumerical MethodsRiversStorm Water/Flooding
Ben R. Hodges, Frank Liu
Hodges, B.R., and F. Liu (2019), Algorithms in the SvePy solver for the unsteady Saint-Venant equations, Technical Report, Center for Infrastructure Modeling and Management, University of Texas at Austin, Texas Data Repository Dataverse, V1, Jul. 2019.
Publication year: 2019

Interception capacity of conventional depressed curb inlets and inlets with channel extension

.ReportFluid MechanicsStorm Water/Flooding
Ben R. Hodges, Michael E. Barrett, Muhammad Ashraf, Frank Schalla
Hodges, B.R., M.E. Barrett, M. Ashraf, and F. Schalla (2018). Interception capacity of conventional depressed curb inlets and inlets with channel extension. Technical report, FHWA/TX-18/0-6842-1, US Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, National Highway Institute, Virginia (USA), Sept. 2018.
Publication year: 2018

Photographic field reconnaissance of bayous between Green Lake and Mission Lake in the Guadalupe River Estuary

.ReportEstuariesGeospatial Analysis
Ben R. Hodges
B.R. Hodges, Photographic field reconnaissance of bayous between Green Lake and Mission Lake in the Guadalupe River Estuary, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 12-08, 31 pgs., February 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Hydrodynamic uncertainty in oil spill modeling

.ReportHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Xianlong Hou, Ben R. Hodges
X. Hou and B.R. Hodges, Hydrodynamic uncertainty in oil spill modeling, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 13-05, 48 pgs., September 2013.
Publication year: 2013

User’s Guide to the Nueces Delta Hydrodynamic Model v1.0

.ReportEstuariesNumerical Methods
Andrea J. Ryan, Ben R. Hodges
A.J. Ryan and B.R. Hodges, User’s Guide to the Nueces Delta Hydrodynamic Model v1.0, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 11-08, 23 pgs., October 2011.
Publication year: 2011

Modeling Hydrodynamic Fluxes in the Nueces River Delta

.ReportEstuariesNumerical Methods
Andrea J. Ryan, Ben R. Hodges
A.J. Ryan and B.R. Hodges , Modeling Hydrodynamic Fluxes in the Nueces River Delta. Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 11-07, 92 pages, October 2011.
Publication year: 2011

.ReportEstuariesHydrologyWater Quality
S. Vaugh, R. Freund, T. Arsuffi, D. Buzan, K. Dunton, B.R. Hodges, D. Hoeinghaus, R. Smith, L. Stewart, G. Stunz, J. Tunnell, L. Williams, Environmental Flows Recommendations Report, Final Submission to the Environmental Flows Advisory Group, Nueces River and Corpus Christi and Baffin Bays Basin and Bay Area Stakeholders Committee and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 285 pages, October 2011.
Publication year: 2011

A Python Wrapper for Coupling Hydrodynamic and Oil Spill Models

.ReportNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Itay Rosenzweig, Ben R. Hodges
I. Rosenzweig and B.R. Hodges, A Python Wrapper for Coupling Hydrodynamic and Oil Spill Models. Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 11-09, 48 pgs., October 2011.
Publication year: 2011

Evaluating the Effects of Low Impact Development on Texas A&M University West Campus

.ReportHydrologyStorm Water/Flooding
K. Rose and B.R. Hodges, Evaluating the Effects of Low Impact Development on Texas A&M University West Campus. Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 10-08, 45 pgs., December 2010.
Publication year: 2010

A Time-Centered Split for Implicit Discretization of Unsteady Advection Problems

.ReportNumerical Methods
Shipeng Fu, Ben R. Hodges
S. Fu and B.R. Hodges, A Time-Centered Split for Implicit Discretization of Unsteady Advection Problems. Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 08-04, 142 pgs., May 2008.
Publication year: 2008

Estimating uncertainty of 2D hydraulic models used for aquatic habitat modeling studies

.ReportHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsRiversWater Quality
T.D. Osting and B.R. Hodges, Estimating uncertainty of 2D hydraulic models used for aquatic habitat modeling studies. Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 07-03, 41 pgs., May 2007.
Publication year: 2007

Desalination brine discharge model

.ReportDesalination BrineEstuaries
Ben R. Hodges, Paula S. Kulis, Cedric H. David
Hodges, B.R., P.S. Kulis, C.H. David (2006), Desalination brine discharge model, Final Report, submitted to Texas Water Development Board under Interagency Cooperation Contract 2005-001-059. 205 pgs. Aug. 30, 2006.
Publication year: 2006

Deploying a microstructure profiler in Corpus Christi Bay

.ReportEstuariesFluid Mechanics
Cedric H. David, Ben R. Hodges
C.H. David and B.R. Hodges Deploying a microstructure profiler in Corpus Christi Bay, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 06-07, 81 pgs., August 2006.
Publication year: 2006

Drifter Modeling and Error Assessment in Wind Driven Currents

.ReportEstuariesGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsOil Spills
Jordan E. Furnans, Ben R. Hodges
J.E. Furnans, B.R. Hodges, and J. Imberger, Drifter Modeling and Error Assessment in Wind Driven Currents, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 05-05, 172 pgs., December 2005.
Publication year: 2005

Hydrostatic and Non-hydrostatic Internal Wave Models

.ReportFluid MechanicsNumerical Methods
B.M. Wadzuk and B.R. Hodges, Hydrostatic and Non-hydrostatic Internal Wave Models, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 04-09, 83 pgs., December 2004.
Publication year: 2004

Identification of Large Woody Debris in Acoustic Bathymetry Data

.ReportGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
Laurent White, Ben R. Hodges
L. White and B.R. Hodges, Identification of Large Woody Debris in Acoustic Bathymetry Data, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 03-07, 108 pgs., Sept. 2003.
Publication year: 2003

Integrated Geospatial Database for Total Maximum Daily Load Modeling Lavaca Bay - Matagorda Bay Coastal Area

.ReportEstuariesGeospatial AnalysisHydrology
Jordan E. Furnans, David R. Maidment, Ben R. Hodges
J. Furnans, D. Maidment, and B.R. Hodges (2002), Integrated Geospatial Database for Total Maximum Daily Load Modeling Lavaca Bay - Matagorda Bay Coastal Area, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 02-01, 62 pgs., January 2002.
Publication year: 2001

Numerical Techniques in CWR ELCOM

.ReportEstuariesLakesNumerical Methods
Ben R. Hodges
B.R. Hodges, Numerical Techniques in CWR ELCOM, Centre for Water Research, The University of Western Australia, Technical Report WP1422BH 37 pgs., January 2000.
Publication year: 2000

Estuary, Lake Computer Model User Guide

.ReportEstuariesLakesNumerical Methods
Bernard Laval, Ben R. Hodges
B. Laval and B.R. Hodges, Estuary, Lake Computer Model User Guide, Centre for Water Research, The University of Western Australia, 56 pgs., January 2000.
Publication year: 2000

Derivation of the Perturbation Curvilinear Method

.ReportLakesNumerical MethodsRivers
Ben R. Hodges
B.R. Hodges, Derivation of the Perturbation Curvilinear Method, Centre for Water Research, The University of Western Australia, Technical Report WP1423BH, 38 pgs., January 2000.
Publication year: 2000

Heat Budget and Thermodynamics at a Free Surface

.ReportEstuariesLakesNumerical Methods
Ben R. Hodges
B.R. Hodges, Heat Budget and Thermodynamics at a Free Surface, Centre for Water Research, The University of Western Australia, Technical Report ED1300BH, 14 pgs., September 1999.
Publication year: 1999