Publication Types:

Rivers and and electric networks: crossing disciplines in modeling and simulation

.Journal ArticleFluid MechanicsNumerical MethodsRivers
Ben R. Hodges, Frank Liu
Hodges, B.R., and F. Liu (2014), “Rivers and and Electric Networks: Crossing Disciplines in Modeling and Simulation,” Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation, 8:1:1-116, Jan. 2014.
Publication year: 2014

River modeling – keeping it physical for river basins

.ConferenceHydrologyNumerical MethodsRivers
B.R. Hodges and F. Liu, “River modeling – keeping it physical for river basins.” in eds. M. Toffolon and S. Piccolroz, Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW2014), Trento (Italy), July 1-4, 2014. pp. 44-45.
Publication year: 2014

Integrating an open source dynamic river model in hydrology modeling frameworks

.ConferenceHydrologyNumerical MethodsRivers
F. Liu and B.R. Hodges, “Integrating an open source dynamic river model in hydrology modeling frameworks,” Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-15822, presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 27-May 2, 2014.
Publication year: 2014

Hydrodynamical Modeling

.Book ChapterLakesNumerical MethodsRivers
Ben R. Hodges
B.R. Hodges, “Hydrodynamical Modeling.” In S.A. Elias (Editor), Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2014, 22 pgs. ISBN: 978-0-12-409548-9
Publication year: 2014

Applying microprocessor analysis methods to river network modeling

.Journal ArticleHydrologyNumerical MethodsRivers
Frank Liu, Ben R. Hodges
Liu, F., and B.R. Hodges (2014), “Applying microprocessor analysis methods to river network modeling,” Environmental Modelling & Software, 52:234-252, Feb., 2014.
Publication year: 2014

Rivers, water piping, and storm sewers: networks with uncertain forcing and evolving conditions

.ConferenceHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsRiversStorm Water/Flooding
B.R. Hodges, “Rivers, water piping, and storm sewers: networks with uncertain forcing and evolving conditions,” Design Automation Conference 2013, in Workshop 1: They Are All Networks! Analysis and Optimization for Electronics, Water, Electricity, Bio. Austin, Texas, June 2, 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Delta Waters: Research to Support Integrated Water and Environmental Management in the Lower Mississippi River

.BookEstuariesHazards/RisksHydrologyRiversStorm Water/FloodingWater Quality
James L. Wescoat Jr., Ximing Cai, G. Mathias Kondolf, Ben R. Hodges, Samantha B. Joye, William M. Lewis, Leonard A Shabman, Eelco Van Beek
J.L. Wescoat, X. Cai, G.M. Kondolf, B.R. Hodges, S.B. Joye, W.M. Lewis, L.A. Shabman, E. van Beek, Delta Waters: Research to Support Integrated Water and Environmental Management in the Lower Mississippi River, National Academies Press, 140 pgs. 2013. ISBN 978-0-309-29216-0
Publication year: 2013

Challenges in continental river dynamics

.Journal ArticleHydrologyRivers
Ben R. Hodges
Hodges, B.R. (2013) “Challenges in continental river dynamics,” Environmental Modelling & Software, 50:16-20, Dec., 2013.
Publication year: 2013

A dynamic river network model for regional-scale simulation

.ConferenceHydrologyNumerical MethodsRivers
F. Liu and B.R. Hodges, “A dynamic river network model for regional-scale simulation.” Poster presented at the 93rd American Meteorology Society Annual Meeting, Jan. 6-10, 2013, Austin, Texas, USA.
Publication year: 2013

Improving Real-time Situational Awareness During Flood Events

.ConferenceHydrologyRiversStorm Water/Flooding
F.R. Salas, D.R. Maidment, F. Liu, and B.R. Hodges, “Improving Real-time Situational Awareness During Flood Events,” AWRA Spring Specialty Conference in GIS and Water Resources VII, New Orleans, LA, March 26-28, 2012.
Publication year: 2012

Dynamic River Network Simulation at Large Scale

.ConferenceHydrologyNumerical MethodsRivers
F. Liu and B.R. Hodges, “Dynamic River Network Simulation at Large Scale,” Proceedings of the 49th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference, June 3-7, 2012, San Francisco USA, pp. 723-728.
Publication year: 2012

The effect of grid scale on calibration of two-dimensional river models through the drag coefficient

.Supervised ThesisGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
Rachel E. Chisolm
R.E. Chisolm, The effect of grid scale on calibration of two-dimensional river models through the drag coefficient, M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 98 pgs., May 2011.
Publication year: 2011

Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Final Report

.BookEstuariesHazards/RisksHydrologyRiversWater Quality
Patrick L. Brezonik, M. Siobhan Fennessy, Ben R. Hodges, James R. Karr, Mark S. Peterson, James L. Pinckney, Jorge I. Restrepo, Roland C. Steiner, J.Court Stevenson
P.L. Brezonik, M.S. Fennessy, B.R. Hodges, J.R. Karr, M.S. Peterson, J. L. Pinckney, J.I. Restrepo, R.C. Steiner, J.C. Stevenson, Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Final Report, National Academies Press, 160 pgs., 2011. ISBN 978-0-309-22567-0
Publication year: 2011

Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Report 3

.BookEstuariesHydrologyNumerical MethodsRiversWater Quality
Patrick L. Brezonik, M. Siobhan Fennessy, Ben R. Hodges, James R. Karr, Mark S. Peterson, James L. Pinckney, Jorge I. Restrepo, Roland C. Steiner, J.Court Stevenson
P.L. Brezonik, M.S. Fennessy, B.R. Hodges, J.R. Karr, M.S. Peterson, J. L. Pinckney, J.I. Restrepo, R.C. Steiner, J.C. Stevenson, Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Report 3, National Academies Press, 41 pgs., 2010. ISBN 978-0-309-16404-7
Publication year: 2010

New Modeling Approach for Continental River Dynamics

.ConferenceHydrologyNumerical MethodsRivers
A. Tavakoly, F. Liu, B.R. Hodges and D. Maidment, “New Modeling Approach for Continental River Dynamics.” 2nd International Conference on Computational Sustainability, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 28-30, 2010.
Publication year: 2010

Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Report 2

.BookEstuariesHydrologyRiversWater Quality
Patrick L. Brezonik, M. Siobhan Fennessy, Ben R. Hodges, James R. Karr, Mark S. Peterson, James L. Pinckney, Jorge I. Restrepo, Roland C. Steiner, J.Court Stevenson
P.L. Brezonik, M.S. Fennessy, B.R. Hodges, J.R. Karr, M.S. Peterson, J. L. Pinckney, J.I. Restrepo, R.C. Steiner, J.C. Stevenson, Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Report 2, National Academies Press, 18 pgs., 2009. ISBN 978-0-309-14854-2
Publication year: 2009

Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Report 1

.BookEstuariesHydrologyRiversWater Quality
Patrick L. Brezonik, M. Siobhan Fennessy, Ben R. Hodges, James R. Karr, Mark S. Peterson, James L. Pinckney, Jorge I. Restrepo, Roland C. Steiner, J.Court Stevenson
P.L. Brezonik, M.S. Fennessy, B.R. Hodges, J.R. Karr, M.S. Peterson, J. L. Pinckney, J.I. Restrepo, R.C. Steiner, J.C. Stevenson, Review of the St Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Report 1, National Academies Press, 94 pgs., 2009. ISBN 978-0-309-14222-9
Publication year: 2009

Hydrodynamical Modeling

.Book ChapterLakesNumerical MethodsRivers
Ben R. Hodges
B.R. Hodges, “Hydrodynamical Modeling.” In: Gene E. Likens, (Editor) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. volume 1, pp. 613-627 Oxford: Elsevier, 2009.
Publication year: 2009

Estimating uncertainty of 2D hydraulic models used for aquatic habitat modeling studies

.ReportHazards/RisksNumerical MethodsRiversWater Quality
T.D. Osting and B.R. Hodges, Estimating uncertainty of 2D hydraulic models used for aquatic habitat modeling studies. Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, CRWR Online Report 07-03, 41 pgs., May 2007.
Publication year: 2007

Estimating uncertainty of 2D hydraulic models used for aquatic habitat modeling studies

.Supervised ThesisGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
Timothy D. Osting
T.D. Osting, Estimating uncertainty of 2D hydraulic models used for aquatic habitat modeling studies, M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 67 pgs., 2007
Publication year: 2007

An Integration of Subgrid Physics into Coarse Grid Simulations of River Models

.ConferenceGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
S. Fu and B.R. Hodges, “An Integration of Subgrid Physics into Coarse Grid Simulations of River Models,” Eos Trans. AGU 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H21A-0171, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 10-14, 2007.
Publication year: 2007

Modeling effects of subgrid-scale obstructions using the 2D shallow water equations

.ConferenceGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
S. Fu and B.R. Hodges, “Modeling effects of subgrid-scale obstructions using the 2D shallow water equations,” 15th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Electronic Proceedings (CD-ROM), University of Colorado at Boulder, June 25-30, 2006.
Publication year: 2006

Identification of submerged large woody debris from single-beam echo soundings

.Journal ArticleGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
Laurent White, Ben R. Hodges, Barney N. Austin, Timothy D. Osting
White, L., B.R. Hodges, B. Austin, and T. Osting (2006), “Identification of submerged large woody debris from single-beam echo soundings,” Journal of Hydroinformatics, 8(1):1-12.11, Jan., 2006.
Publication year: 2006

Identifying and filtering the large woody debris signature in river bathymetry data

.ConferenceGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
B.R. Hodges, L. White, B.N. Austin, and T. Osting, “Identifying and filtering the large woody debris signature in river bathymetry data,” Texas River and Reservoir Management Society Conference and Symposium, Baylor University, May 16-17, 2005.
Publication year: 2005

Grid-scale dependency of subgrid-scale structure effects in hydraulic models of rivers and streams

.ConferenceGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
S. Fu and B.R. Hodges, “Grid-scale dependency of subgrid-scale structure effects in hydraulic models of rivers and streams,” Mechanics and Materials Conference (McMat 2005), Electronic Proceedings (CD-ROM), 5 pgs., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, June 1-3, 2005.
Publication year: 2005

Geospatial representation of river channels

.Journal ArticleGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
Venkatesh M. Merwade, David R. Maidment, Ben R. Hodges
Merwade, V.M., D.R. Maidment and B.R. Hodges (2005), “Geospatial representation of river channels,” ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 10(3):243-251, May, 2005.
Publication year: 2005

Flow impact of large woody debris in streams and rivers

.ConferenceGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
B.R. Hodges and S. Fu, “Flow impact of large woody debris in streams and rivers,” Proceedings of the ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 20-25, 2005.
Publication year: 2005

Filtering the signature of submerged large woody debris from bathymetry data

.Journal ArticleGeospatial AnalysisNumerical MethodsRivers
Laurent White, Ben R. Hodges
White, L., and B.R. Hodges (2005), “Filtering the signature of submerged large woody debris from bathymetry data,” Journal of Hydrology, 309(1-4):53-65, Jul., 2005.
Publication year: 2005

A hybrid RANS and LES model for studying the flow around large woody debris in a river

.ConferenceFluid MechanicsNumerical MethodsRivers
S. Fu and B.R. Hodges, “A hybrid RANS and LES model for studying the flow around large woody debris in a river,” Proceedings of 2005 Graduate Student Research conference (CD-ROM), 4 pgs. University of Texas at Austin, April 28, 2005
Publication year: 2005

River bathymetry analysis in the presence of submerged large woody debris

.Supervised ThesisGeospatial AnalysisRivers
Laurent White
L. White, River bathymetry analysis in the presence of submerged large woody debris. M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 157 pgs., Dec. 2003.
Publication year: 2003